NAHT is a Melbourne based hand therapy practice specialising exclusively in the assessment and treatment of people presenting with hand, wrist or elbow injuries and conditions.
Practice locations are based at Melbourne’s CBD as well as several locations in Melbourne’s West. NAHT prides itself on the close working relationship it has established with a number of specialist hand and upper limb surgeons. This has allowed hand therapy to operate alongside surgical specialties at its locations. This partnership enables a team orientated approach for the best patient outcomes to be achieved and creates convenience for patients as joint consultations can be arranged for the same day at the one location. Furthermore, if after your consultation it is clear that one’s problem requires a specialist opinion, then you can be assured that this can be seamlessly arranged.
The chief objective of the practice is to provide patients with absolute expert care and an assurance that their problem is being comprehensively looked after by a very experienced practitioner. We also understand the importance of the same therapist being involved in a patients’ care and aim to ensure that patients are seen by the same therapist throughout their entire treatment episode.
We also aim to provide a dependable service for all of our patients and their referring practitioners, with all urgent cases being promptly seen to ensure the best possible outcome.